
Here Are The 11 Most Dangerous Cancer-Causing Foods

Last Updated on December 22, 2020

The result is that what was supposed to be a healthy snack turns into junk. However, there is a better alternative which is an organic kernel that can be used to get air-popped popcorn. You can enjoy a healthy snack with an easy homemade dressing using olive oil and some dried herbs.


#9 – Canned Foods, Tomatoes In Particular


9-Canned Foods, Tomatoes In Particular© pexels

Sometimes, when you are busy, you tend to buy and store plenty of canned foods to save the time of cooking. But that is a completely wrong thing to do. To preserve canned vegetables, for instance, a great amount of sodium is added. So these vegetables have no health or nutritional value.

Canned fruits, which may be tasty and delicious, are actually loaded with high fructose corn syrup. However, the issue is not in the foods, but rather the cans which are made of a chemical named Bisphenol A or BPA. BPA is said to be a hormone disrupter and cancer-causing chemical.

The contact of foods and their containing cans lined with this chemical is inevitable. Yet the thing is even worse if the canned foods are acidic like tomatoes. The best tip you can get is to remain distant from canned foods as much as you can or at least check the labels before buying any.

#10 – Farmed Salmon

10-Farmed Salmon©

Wild salmon are free birds in the ocean, living naturally and feeding on zooplankton and small invertebrates during their youth. Once they grow up a bit, larger fish such as herring and krill are added to their diets.

The difference in diets between wild salmon and farmed salmon is that the latter feed on a ground-up mixture composed of random fish, antibiotics and vegetable matter. Wild salmon are pink by nature because of their natural sea diet, whereas farmed salmon get the pink color from the pink dye added to their food.

That is why farmed salmon is to be avoided. The diet and the sort of the things farmed salmon are fed, inclusive of the pink dye, make them full of carcinogenetic PCBs, mercury, and dioxins. Get the wild salmon caught to be part of the healthy eating plate with some grilled vegetables and salad.


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