
Here Are The 11 Most Dangerous Cancer-Causing Foods

Last Updated on December 22, 2020

Replace refined flour by whole grain wheat bread and instead of pasta, try quinoa or brown rice. Stop consuming any ready-made or prepared refined flour foods and start instead baking on your own.

#4 – Potato chips

4-Potato chips© pexels

Do you like chips? Who doesn’t anyway? The best thing you can enjoy after an exhausting day at work is watching a nice movie together with some jalapeno chips. But hold on a second, do you think that eating such chips is healthy?

The answer is sadly no. Regardless of their remarkable taste, chips contain a lot of trans fats, preservatives, salt and a carcinogen called acrylamide. This substance can be mostly found in fried foods at high temperatures.

You still can enjoy the good, salty and crunchy taste by trying pretzels instead of even reduced fat chips. Pretzels are an excellent alternative for they are baked.

You can also try air popped popcorn which is a whole grain snack to make the perfect movie night a reality. Moreover, you might like to try also whole grain baked pita chips dipped in guacamole or hummus.


#5 – Hydrogenated Oils


5-Hydrogenated Oils© pexels

Many of the healthy diet recipes you can find online recommend using vegetable oils for it is presumed that they are healthy, but Suprise, Suprise! They are not. There is no way that the extraction of these oils was done naturally.

The chemical production is an essential part of these oils’ extraction as they go through a process named hydrogenation. Following this process, the oils become hydrogenated filled with omega 6 fatty acids which are mostly associated with increased cancer risk.

Snack foods like crackers as well as other products are made of these hydrogenated oils. The best advice to be given is to cook at home using olive, soy, and canola oils. Use these oils along with non-hydrogenated coconut oil to bake bread, cookies, and cakes at home.

#6 – Margarine

6-Margarine© pexels

If you think that using the best margarine is way better than butter, then you are absolutely wrong. Margarine is not regarded as healthy as it was thought to be for being made of vegetable oils. All it contains are loads of trans fats.


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