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This Is What Makes Your Belly Fat So Stubborn

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Usually, the choices made are not healthy that’s why it’s important to keep a healthy company or be the one who orders first!

Fix: Definitely, you’re not ready to give up your healthy lifestyle for the sake of unhealthy cheesy burgers. So, stick to your decision, order first, and let your group follow you!

#6 – Checking Facebook in Bed

Checking Facebook in Bed Cosmopolitan

Another of the bad habits that cause belly fat you should avoid, according to experts, is spending much time on social media instead of doing other useful activities that can help you burn calories.

A recent study exposes that 350 students from the Ulster University in Northern Ireland found to be less active and exercising less when they are spending much time in front of their smart devices.

Another study in Pediatric Obesity found that students who have access to at least one electronic device in their sleeping rooms are 1.47 times likely to gain weight than those who don’t have any smart electronic devices. And as for the kids who had access to three devices, the number increased to 2.57 times.

Fix: Instead of always sitting stably while checking your Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter, go out and meet your friends face to face, go for a walk, or maybe just enjoy the gossip.

#7 – Not Eating Mindfully

Not Eating Mindfully CLEO Singapore

Maybe you’re not practicing the ancient form of meditation of eating mindfully. It is about experiencing the food you eat and each bite you take so intensely.

This approach is a very successful weight-loss habit. According to a recent study, individuals who are eating mindfully are less stressed, remarkably consuming fewer calories, and maintain a healthy BMI when compared to those who don’t eat mindfully.

Fix: Every time you are eating your meal, remember to experience the pleasures and frustrations of mindful eating. Take your time, chew slowly, and enjoy every detail, every sensation, and the complexity of flavors.

#8 – Distracting Yourself

Distracting Yourself

One of the bad habits that lead to a bloated and flabby stomach is eating without purpose and presence. When you eat your meal while watching your favorite TV program or cyber-loafing, or even while working at your desk, you tend not to enjoy what you eat very simply because your mind is focusing on something else.


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