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This Is What Makes Your Belly Fat So Stubborn

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

They have found out that aspartame, which is a very sweet substance that contains very little energy and is used instead of sugar to make drinks and foods sweet, causes a significant increase in blood glucose. The liver finds it hard to handle all high levels of glucose, therefore, they turn into fat and result in a form of weight gain.

Fix: If you cannot give up the caffeine daily intake, drink black tea instead for a slim and fat-free waist.

#2 – Brewing the Wrong Tea

Brewing the Wrong Tea

When the nights get darker and colder, there is nothing that can make them cozy and warmer than a steaming perfect cup of tea. That’s not all as it may also help you shed extra weight while you are lying on your sofa and watching your favorite Downton Abbey!

In fact, it is scientifically proven that brewing some kind of teas such as Pu-erh tea can have a magical power in shrinking the size of your waist and making it more attractive and sexy.

A group of Chinese researchers decided to discover how effective Pu-erh tea can be. So, they have undertaken an experiment where rats were divided into 5 groups and were given varying diets over a period of 2 months.

In addition to a control group, a group of these animals was fed a plain high-fat diet while the others were given the same but with different doses of Pu-er tea extract.

The conclusion was that tea is a natural fat blaster as it has significantly lowered the concentrations of triglyceride and belly fat in the high-fat diet groups.

Fix: Other amazing teas you can add to your new weight-loss plan are barberry, rooibos, and white tea.

#3 – Eating with Big Groups

Eating with Big Groups Olive Tree Apartments

Did you know that when you eat with other people you are actually consuming 44 percent more food than when you’re alone?

Believe it or not, a published research in the Nutrition journal says that a meal is 33 percent larger when eaten with one other person and 47 percent bigger when you are three.


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