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5 Nutrition Mistakes You Need to Avoid this Summer

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The Problem:

During these warmer months, your body sweats a bit more than usual, so you need to find out how to replace the lost water.

If you don’t keep yourself hydrated, you may end up feeling lethargic because your body needs water to create energy.

Also, you’re more likely to mistake thirst for hunger, which leads to overeating, while all that you needed is a glass of water.

How to Fix it:

You need to make sure to eat plenty of vegetables, as they will hydrate you, and set a daily goal to drink about half of your body weight in ounces of water and increase this amount if you spend more time outside.

For more delicious drinks, mix your water with a few fruits or veggies, they will provide your body with vitamins and antioxidants, as well as keep hydrated all summer.

5. Crash Dieting

Crash Dieting© Pixabay

The Problem:

Crash diets offer too few nutrients for good health and little-needed calories for proper energy levels, so they lead to crankiness and fatigue after the first few days.

Moreover, the majority of these diets actually backfire once they’re over, making you rapidly rebound to a higher weight than before starting the diet. If you’re following a crash diet for whichever reason, it’s time to try something new.

How to Fix it:

You need to focus on eating well-balanced and healthy meals. Fill almost half of your plate with veggies, one-quarter with wholesome carbohydrates (fruits and whole grains), and the other quarter with lean protein (fish, pulses, and low-fat dairy or other calcium-rich foods).

This is a smart way to eliminate the foods that are bad for your health and that add on more pounds, while you fill your body with health-boosting nutrients.


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