
How To Effectively Lose Weight When You Are Over 40

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Sleeping is the most restoring and healing activity ever. Sleeping enough hours can improve your health, boost your energy, and even help you maintain healthy body weight.

According to some researchers, sleep deprivation can make you take very bad decisions, such as heading to the kitchen in the middle of the night and snacking on junk food and unhealthy food items, therefore, gain more calories instead of burning them.

To avoid all this, we advise you to sleep no less than 8 hours a day and give your body and mind a chance to relax after long exhausting days! Also, you’d better avoid using your phone or computer before bedtime!

#6 – Turn down the heat

Turn down the heat© PinsDaddy

This piece of information might seem quite surprising, but it is definitely true. Cooler temperatures can help you burn more calories than warm temperatures, therefore, a good tip for losing weight fast is turning down the heat in your house.

Scientifically speaking, an adult body has two types of fat, namely brown fat and white fat. The latter is bad while the former is a good one as it is responsible for burning more calories in the body as well as generating heat.

So, when your house’s heat is high, the activity of the brown fat is disrupted. For this reasons, scientists advise you to keep your home temperature at 19º, which a cool temperature that might help your body shed the extra pounds.



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#7 – Drink enough water


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Drink enough water© Reader’s Digest

In addition to exercising and following a healthy eating habit, drinking enough water is one of the ways to maintain a healthy weight and shape. By drinking enough glasses of water per day can help you burn more calories and treat many other health issues such as bloating.

Water is also considered one of the best purifiers that you can drink plain to detox your body and flush out all the toxins. Also, make sure to drink water before meals to help reduce your appetite and the number of calories you are consuming, which will automatically keep you safe from over-eating and gain unnecessary weight.


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