
10 Important Things Your Face Can Tell about Your Health

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#4 – Dry skin

Dry skin© LiveAbout

A dry and sensitive face can indicate a poor diet. Deficiency in essential minerals and vitamins is a direct result of poor nutrition. Those nutrients are responsible for skin elasticity, which means that all the anti-aging creams in the world won’t help you if you are suffering from a nutrient deficiency.

You actually need to take good care of your skin from the inside first, and then look for external skin care products. So make sure to eat a regular rainbow of fruits and vegetables, and the smooth, beautiful results will soon show up on your skin.

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#5 – Skin redness

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Skin redness© theFashionSpot

A red and irritated skin can be caused by excessive consumption of coffee. Caffeine strips your cells of dehydration, leading to dryness and inflammation. Additionally, people who tend to sleep throughout the day and work at night may develop vitamin D deficiency due to lack of regular sun exposure.

To avoid skin redness, you should minimize your caffeine intake and make sure to get your daily dose of vitamin D but remember to use the right sunscreen.

#6 – Yellow skin

Yellow skin© Fergon

Developing a yellow skin might be a big sign of anemia or liver problems. As soon as you notice that your skin is turning yellow, you need to consult a specialist to make sure you’re not suffering from a hidden disease. Remember, the earlier, the better! Also, never neglect any sudden or long-lasting changes in your skin.

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#7 – Pale skin

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Pale skin© Lets Learn Makeup

Iron deficiency is one of the main causes of pale skin. So if you notice that your face is getting strangely pale, you should start by eating plenty of legumes, fruits, and other foods that are rich in iron.

Also, make sure to provide your body with enough vitamin C since it helps your body absorb iron better. And in case your skin paleness won’t go away, you should certainly consult a doctor as soon as possible.


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