
You Don’t Have Medication? Here Are The 10 Things That Will Stop Your Pain

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#3 – Inflammation pain

3. Inflammation pain© Natural Practitioner Magazine

Have you ever heard about the benefits of turmeric?

If you didn’t, then the shortest brief is that spice is extremely and shockingly beneficial to the human body and it has the greatest anti-inflammatory properties.

There are many studies that have compared curcumin (its anti-inflammatory component) to conventional medications, and they found out that it is as good as ibuprofen, maybe even better.
If you have aching and sore joints, doctors would recommend you to take curcumin in capsules for quicker results.

#4 – Back pain

4. Back pain© Leafie

If we are not careful, we may start experiencing back pain at a very early age, but thankfully, it can be healed easily, and this time you won’t even need a capsule to drink or a pill to swallow. Just bring your yoga mat, wear your most comfortable clothes, and let’s start stretching.

There are many exercises that can relieve the back pain, such as a lying knee twist, a knee to chest stretch, cat yoga asanas, cobra, and many more.

If you are into Yoga, then you may already be aware of many of those exercises. If not, then make sure to follow the right steps by watching a video or two of experts, or join a yoga class.

#5 – Headaches

5. Headaches© Ultra Magazin

Again, we don’t need anything to consume in order to get rid of headaches. Simply, smell a few of your essential oils and you will feel just fine. You can add them to a tissue and inhale it, add them to your bath, or apply it to your forehead and temples. Just make sure to use only a few drops because their smell is too intense.

The essential oils were proven to have a relaxing and soothing effect that can treat any headache that was caused by stress or anxiety. Here are some of the best options you can choose from: rosemary, lavender, peppermint, chamomile, etc.

#6 – Toothaches

6. Toothaches© Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic

Oh, we know! The day we start experiencing an unbearable toothache is the day when we are going to suffer the most. Seriously, we can handle any kind of a pain but a toothache…


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