
You Don’t Have Medication? Here Are The 10 Things That Will Stop Your Pain

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Don’t waste your time on painkillers and boil a cup of water, then add one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves, let it sit for twenty minutes, and then swish out your mouth with it. Also, you can place wet and warm peppermint tea bags on a sore tooth, then hold for a few minutes till you feel the pain decreasing.

#7 – Joint and bone pain

7. Joint and bone pain© Fritzphysicaltherapy

You wouldn’t be able to walk properly, move properly, sit properly, or do anything that you want to do. Thankfully, we were blessed with Epsom salt that’s rich in magnesium.

The latter is capable to help our system to walk properly while regulating more than 300 enzymes, and that’s how it eliminates toxins and decreases inflammation and stress.

So hop into your bath and add two cups of Epsom salt, then soak in the water for fifteen minutes. You will feel so much better afterward!

#8 – Fight pain and release endorphins

8. Fight pain and release endorphins© Reader’s Digest

When you feel any type of pain in your body, don’t sit around and let it control you. You should get up and start walking or do any minor exercise.

Physical activity releases brain chemicals, or endorphins, that can decrease the feeling of pain immediately. Plus, those chemicals would enhance the immune system, which will give you a feeling of euphoria.

So yes, we know it is hard to move a muscle when you are experiencing any kind of pain or mild discomfort, but it is necessary to feel better.

#9 – Menstrual pain

9. Menstrual pain© Women Health zone

Menstrual cramps are like the dues all women need to pay every month, and there is no way out of them. So whenever it is almost that time again, make sure to always carry tampons and bananas in your purse… Yes, bananas!

Those delicious fruits are rich in vitamin B6 and potassium that can decrease muscle cramps. Plus, it will save you from feeling bloated and retaining water.

Don’t hesitate to make a smoothie that includes bananas and any other fruit you like. Or, instead of the chocolate, you can eat this fruit instead. The chocolate may help you feel good, but the banana will relieve all your pain!


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