
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Too Much Sugar

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

It turned out the old wives’ tale of “eating chocolate cause acne” is not actually a myth.


#3 – Increased sugar cravings


Increased sugar cravings© Icepop

Although there is no scientific proof that sugar is actually addictive or if it can be in the same category as a gateway drug or cocaine, but when we eat a lot of sugar, the brain releases the “feel-good” chemical, Dopamine. It is often released when we are having a good human interaction and/or while making love.

Maybe we still don’t know yet how addictive sugary foods can be, but after a research made in 2008 and published in the Journal of Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, they found that rats started experiencing many signs after giving them unlimited access to sugar, and some of these signs are craving, bingeing, and withdrawal.

In conclusion, sugar could be addictive only if consumed in a binge-like manner.

#4 – Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay© Wikipedia

Cavities are not actually caused by sugar like everyone believes, but when the acid (a waste product of sugar) meets the surface of teeth, they create the perfect environment for cavities to be created.

So if you don’t want it inside your mouth, reduce the amount of sugar you consume and don’t ignore dental cleanses. Otherwise, all your teeth will be teamed up with the cavity.


#5 – Risk of pre-diabetes


Risk of pre-diabetes© News-Medical.Net

Every time you eat something with glucose, your body releases insulin in order to help process the glucose into energy, but the problem is when people consume too much sugar at once. There will be a huge release of insulin, which could eventually develop insulin resistance or hypoglycemia in the body.

Insulin resistance is when the body can’t absorb the glucose fast enough, which will lead the glucose to be piling up in the liver and bloodstream. The bad news is there is a high chance it could couple up with a specific genetic, create pre-diabetes, and eventually, diabetes.


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