
7 Simple Ways to Prevent Heart, Cancer, and Diabetes Risk

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Experts are always recommending to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly in order to live a long and healthy life. This is a brilliant advice indeed but beginners may find it a little bit challenging at first.

Whether you want some easier ways to improve your health or you already follow a healthy diet and exercise but you’re still eager to boost your overall health, these are easy ways to get you started and help you boost your health, as well as slow down aging.

7 Simple Ways to Prevent Heart, Cancer, and Diabetes Risk© healthiertalk
According to several studies, here are 8 simple and quick ways to improve your health and prevent cancer, heart disease, and diabetes


1- Drink a Cup of Coffee

Drink a Cup of Coffee© danspapers

According to several studies reviewed by the Journal of the American Medical Association, individuals who drink coffee on a regular basis had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who don’t drink it.

Another European study has found that drinking up to 3 cups of coffee per day can help you avoid developing Alzheimer’s.

Furthermore, a research from Harvard Medical School had shown that men who drink coffee regularly could reduce their risk of developing the fastest growing and most complex to treat prostate cancer by more than 50% compared to those who don’t drink coffee.

Another research found that those who had their daily coffee cups had their risk of liver cancer reduced by 55%.

According to the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, older individuals aged 65 or more who drink daily coffee reduced their risk of heart disease by more than 50%.

2- Get Enough Vitamin D

Get Enough Vitamin D© healthline

This sunshine vitamin helps regulate the amount of phosphate and calcium in the body and is necessary to keep muscles, teeth, and bones healthy.

According to several studies, the lack of vitamin D promotes the risk of depression, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and many cancers.

It is recommended to get a daily 400 I.U. However, many experts think that we need much more, which is between 1,000 and 2,000 I.U, for optimal health.


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