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Lazar Angelov Full Body Workout Routine

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

His daily diet requires six to seven meals in a day. His diet contains heavy proteins and carbohydrates. He consumes an average of 35 g proteins per meals. Unlike many other fitness models and body builders he avoids ketogenic diets because this will lose muscle mass. He usually mixes his protein diet will low carbs to maintain his muscles density.

Daily diet Sample

Meal 1: Eggs, oatmeal, grapefruit and peanut butter

Meal 2: Rice, chicken and broccoli

Meal 3: Tuna Fish, pasta and Avocado

Meal 4: Rice and chicken

Meal 5: Salomon with green fresh salad

Meal 6: Broccoli and cottage cheese

Tips for quick and long-lasting results

– Be patient throughout the workout routine

– Never give up

– Stay stick to the workout routine and diet


When you do this tough workout throughout the day and follow the diet plan. Then it’s better to rest one day in all aspects. Fix one day may be Sunday or what every day suits you and then at that day do not work out and eat diet plan. I will recommend you to relax this day and spend the day with your family and friends. Do the things that make you happy and you enjoy.