
10 Food You Thought Were Healthy But Are Actually Not

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#4- Low Fat Yogurt


According to a study in EJN (European Journal of Nutrition), comparing people who consume full-fat yogurt and low-fat yogurt, the full-fat category happened to be less likely to be obese or suffer from cardio problems. The problem is not the fat, it is the amount of sugar added to your yogurt ! You can purchase no sugar brands and add some honey if it’s too sugarless for you.

#5- Agave

Fresh aloe leaf with water drop .
You may see it in the health food sections at grocery stores, and may also add it to your tea or on your pancakes. Agrave is about 1.5 times sweeter than sugar and contains much more fructose. As a sugar substitute, it does more harm to you metabolic system that sugar, and if used often can damage you liver and lead to diabetes. Try to generally avoid any healthy sweetener.

#6- Whole Wheat Bread


If you eat real whole wheat bread, then you can notice if tasted more like white bread. It’s a whole unhealthy and deseptive marketing to promote certain brands, these companies add just some little bit of wheat flour and call it healthy !

The refined wheat bread is nothing like hearty real one, and nothing guarentees the 100% whole grain marks. Just check ingredients for higher fibber content.

#7- Vegetable Oil


Drived from vegetables, but not as healthy as it seems. While a good cellular fonctioning must keep a balance between Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids, vegetable oils are rich of Omega-6 fatty acids.

This means having unbalanced fats in your body which can cause inflammation and then help develop a chronic disease. Go for olive, coconut and avocado oil, and forget about oils such as soybean, sunflower and cottonseed.

#8- Certified « Gluten Free » Products


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