
This Is What Your Neck Says About Your Health

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

When you touch it, it will move around like a water balloon, says Dr. Varvares, and that can indicate a cancerous mass, which is why you should never neglect it or wait around.

The lymph is an obvious sign that you need to go see the doctor and start being super cautious about your body. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a stage where the cancer is non-curable!

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#6 – A throbbing pulse

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6. A throbbing pulse© Harvard Health – Harvard University

If you are feeling a throbbing pulse in your neck while experiencing other symptoms like feeling faint or breathlessness, then you need to call 911.

Those symptoms indicate a dangerous condition in your heart, like aortic insufficiency. In other words, your aortic valve could be leaking and your heart is just beating/working a lot harder than usual.

Also, if your heart is resting but you still have a visible neck pulse and a firm mass in your upper neck, then that’s another sign you need to call your doctor ASAP because it could indicate a carotid artery tumor.

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#7 – The swollen lymph node that wouldn’t go away after a dental visit

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7. The swollen lymph node that wouldn’t go away after a dental visit© chiropractorgeorgetownky

It is normal for your lymph nodes to swallow after a dental cleaning because the bacteria that leave your teeth would get into your bloodstream and cause a temporary issue, but no need to panic because your body will know how to take care of it.

However, if the swollen wouldn’t go within the next two weeks, then you should check with your doctor to make sure there is no infection.

As you can see, your neck would indicate some serious issues that could be happening in your body, so make sure to always check your neck and to never neglect any abnormal lump or lymph, pulse or vein!

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