
This Is What Will Happen If You Don’t Get Enough Sun

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Regardless of how much they try, people would still be spending more time in front of their electronic devices. The saddest part is during our breaks, we tend to spend it in front of TVs and smartphones instead of taking a walk or get fresh air outside.

Sun is extremely important when it comes to the smile you wear on your face because lack of light is scientifically proved to be a mood killer. The more you lock yourself between four walls, the sadder you will become.

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#6 – Weight gain

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6. Weight gain© Verywellhealth

Bone pain, muscle weakness, and deformity could easily lead to weight gain because you will not be able to be as active as you need to burn off calories.

Plus, hormone leptin and vitamin D always work together to maintain good body weight: Leptin is the hormone produced in fat cells and it works on sending signals to the brain to let it know that you are full, while vitamin D helps those signals to reach the brain.

When there is a deficiency of vitamin D, the cycle will break and you will end up overeating.

By getting enough sunshine and maintaining a good diet that includes egg yolks, whole-grain bread, fish, unflavored yogurt, orange juices, and granolas, your body will manage to keep itself in a healthy weight.

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#7 – Cognitive impairment

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7. Cognitive impairment© Flickr

According to recent studies, dementia and cognitive dysfunction can also be caused by a deficiency of vitamin D because its receptors are spread in the brain tissue, and low levels of it could make the risk of cognitive dysfunction greater, especially among the elderly.

According to a 2015 study that was conducted on over 60,000 individuals, people living in northern latitudes have a scary increased risk of developing dementia when compared with those living in southern latitudes.

The sun is extremely healthy for our overall well- being, and being exposed to it on a daily basis has to be a necessity in our daily routine. However, don’t be overexposed to it because too much of everything can be really damaging, and of course, don’t forget to wear your water-resistant sunscreen with SPF 30.


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