
This Is What Will Happen If You Don’t Get Enough Sun

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The more you expose yourself to the sun, the more you are protecting your bones from any issues. It is a necessity to maintain a proper calcium level in your body’s cells and bones in order to prevent conditions like arthritis, chronic foot pain, osteoporosis, inflamed joints, and many more.

If being exposed to the sun is not an option, then try to take your daily dosage of vitamin D via supplements.

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#3 – Colorectal cancer

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3. Colorectal cancer© HealthiNation

According to studies, a lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to the development of colorectal cancer because the levels of the vitamin determine the growth and survival of cancer cells.

Many people with colon cancer are not aware that a sufficient level of vitamin D is linked greatly with the survival of the disease in their bodies. However, there are still clinical trials needed to estimate whether the supplements of vitamin D can help decrease or prevent the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

If you want to know if you have vitamin D deficiency, you can take a blood test!

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#4 – Skin problems

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4. Skin problems© Wanke

When the immune system is not strong enough, people could experience psoriasis, but vitamin D can shift that balance in a good way. In fact, when you are exposed to ultraviolet-B rays, you will be treating acne, psoriasis, and many other skin issues.

As long as you are keeping the vitamin D levels balanced within your system, your skin health will know a great difference and become much healthier.

However, you need to be careful and not overexpose yourself to UV rays to not increase your chances of developing melanoma, which is a dangerous type of skin cancer.

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#5 – Depression

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5. Depression© Birthmother

As we mentioned before, being exposed to the sun can actually elevate your mood and make you feel more “alive”.

Sadly, the majority of careers nowadays depend on desk jobs, computers, and working till late hours when the sun is gone.


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