
This Is How To Remove Tartar Stains From Your Teeth

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

When the paste is perfectly formed, brush your teeth with it using a dry toothbrush, and that would be it! You can repeat this process twice a week and you will be amazed at the results.

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#5 – Mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide

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Mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide© Healthline

Your regular mouthwash has been made to help your mouth to be cleaner and your breath to be fresher, but it is not enough on its own, that’s why you need to add hydrogen peroxide because just like your mouthwash, the hydrogen contains antimicrobial properties.

Add one tbsp of antiseptic mouthwash, and three tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Gargle for a couple of minutes, and then finish by using clean water. You will notice that your teeth are much cleaner, whiter, and your breath will also be more pleasant.

Do you see? The secret is extremely easy, and you don’t even need to make an appointment with your dentist if your tartar is not critical.

#6 – Coconut oil

Coconut oil© lajmi

One other item that you probably already have in your kitchen is coconut oil. We all know about its benefits to our health, skin, and hair, but have you heard about its benefits to our teeth?

The oil pulling is an extremely popular procedure these days, and that’s because we discovered that oil can absorb the dirt within our mouths while having an antibacterial effect against the microorganisms that live in there.

Use one or two tbsp of the coconut oil, swish it in your mouth for fifteen minutes, and then spit it out. Don’t forget to rinse well afterward with warm water, and by the way, it tastes great!

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#7 – Tomatoes and strawberries

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. Tomatoes and strawberries© BrightSide

Strawberries and tomatoes are known to be rich in vitamin C, and they are also known to be extremely delicious. So if the citrus fruits are not your thing, then you should definitely use these two fruits instead (but are tomatoes fruits, though?)


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