
This Is How To Remove Tartar Stains From Your Teeth

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

However, you should brush your teeth with the baking soda only once a week because it may cause enamel damage. It is a cheap, easy, and effective method that will make your teeth a lot brighter, beautiful, and much healthier.

#2 – Orange peel

Orange peel© YouTube

If we knew the benefits of orange peels, we would never throw them away, even if our oral health is perfectly fine. It is like throwing good miracles down the trash. Actually, all citrus fruits are good when it comes to removing and getting rid of plaque stains, and that’s because they contain acids.

The way to use orange peels to remove the stains is perfectly easy: Just rub the peel on your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes, or you can create a paste out of it and apply it to your teeth. All the ways will lead you to a healthy mouth.

After you apply it, make sure to rinse with lukewarm water for better results. You can repeat this method several times during the week because it is extremely safe.

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#3 – Lemon Juice

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Lemon Juice© Edison Institute of Nutrition

If you want better results in the fastest way possible, then use the orange peels with lemon juice. The acids on lemons will definitely dissolve plaque and whiten your teeth. Simply, dip your toothbrush in some fresh lemon juice, rub it on your teeth, allow it to sit for a minute, and then rinse well.

However, you need to keep in mind that lemon juice is a powerful agent that can lead to tooth erosion, so be extremely careful while using it. It is amazing how can cheap, natural items that we already have in our households fix our smiles, really!

#4 – Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds© newsworldindia

Most of us are aware of the greatness of Sesame seeds when it comes to salad seasoning, but did you know that it helps to remove the tartar as well?

Sesame seeds are actually known as natural scrubs that can clean and polish the teeth at the same time. Here is how you can use it: Take one full tbsp of seeds and chew it well. Keep chewing till you create a paste, but do not swallow.


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