
The 15 Unexpected Things That Can Cause Cancer

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Be prudent when anything is labeled, as the best. The best Korean beauty products, for instance, may not be always as safe as the name suggests. This is applicable to all other care and beauty products.

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10. Consuming salt a lot

10-Consuming salt a lot© Healthline

We have talked earlier about how the overconsumption of sugar can cause cancer. But now, we are going to lay focus on how salt can lead to the same result. Salt-preserved vegetables, salted meats, and fish which are high in salt can cause stomach cancer.

If you keep consuming such foods, containing a lot of salt, the risk of stomach cancer will increase. On the list of the deadliest cancers, the World Cancer Research Fund International classifies stomach cancer as the 3rd cancer killer worldwide.

If you use any type of salt, be it lite salt, solar salt or the likes, excessively, you will end up with damage in your stomach lining, resulting in lesions.

If the latter is not treated, the outcome will be stomach cancer. The daily recommended salt portion to consume is 2,300 mg. So before buying anything, check the total amount of sodium the product contains.

11. Using nail polish regularly

11-Using nail polish regularly© NailsStock

Having those fingers colored in your favorite colored nail polish is certainly your daily reward after all the hectic work you have to do. In the U.S, the amounts of consumed nail polish are indescribable.

Besides the attractive colors, nail polish contains carcinogens. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, formaldehyde, which is an integral component found in nail polish to harden it, can trigger cancer.

Nail polishes are rich in other carcinogenic chemicals like butyl acetate and ethyl methacrylate. Luckily, there are always non-toxic nail polish alternatives. You will get to enjoy having the same color but with zero carcinogenetic chemicals.

12. Taking hormone replacement therapy

12-Taking hormone replacement therapy© Health Thoroughfare

The HRT, standing for hormone replacement therapy, is a sort of med from which your body benefits a lot and at the same time, it is deeply affected. The HRT is rich in female hormones no longer produced by the body.


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