
The 15 Unexpected Things That Can Cause Cancer

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

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5. Inhaling wood dust

5-Inhaling wood dust© Glavni, June 2019

Have you lately done any remodeling around your household? Did that include any change of your wood tiles and furniture? As a matter of fact, it turns out that wood dust causes sinus and nasal cavity cancer.

Several people have their own home workshops where they like to make some art pieces out of wood. This sounds fun, but the more wood dust they inhale, the higher the risk of getting cancer gets. That is why it is advisable to wear a mask when engaging in similar activities.

Carpenters do not seem to have a choice, they obviously cannot change their whole lifetime profession, yet they can control the cancer risks by taking some precautions, inclusive of wearing a mask.

6. Being affected by a given bacteria

6-Being affected by a given bacteria© Fleej

The most known bacteria on the face of the earth is bacteria .H.pylori. This bacteria existed since humans did for thousands of years. Hence, being affected by a similar bacterium is quite common.

Internationally, about 2 out of 3 persons carry the bacterium according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention. The H.pylori bacteria do not necessarily make people sick, yet they are a factor leading to peptic ulcers in addition to other ulcers to which your stomach and upper small intestine are exposed.

In accordance with the data of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, H.pylori is regarded as a carcinogen. Scientists, later on, built their own tests on this, although it was debatable, to conclude that gastric cancer and gastric lymphoma are both caused by the same bacteria.

Cancer risk can be mitigated if you have regular tests for H.pylori and even for other dangerous bacteria. In case the result is positive, the treatment you will be exposed to is composed of antibiotics and acid-reducing medication.

7. Eating sausage, bacon, and ham

7-Eating sausage, bacon, and ham© Quanjing

It is known that the favorite snack for many Americans in their lunch breaks is a sausage. Whether they are ground breakfast sausage, smoked polish sausage, Penrose sausage or red hot sausages, the BMJ indicated through a study that such foods along with other forms of red meat can increase cancer risk.


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