
How to Relieve a Headache Naturally and Quickly

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

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3. Green Tea with some Lemon Juice

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Green Tea with some Lemon Juice© GOQii

Green tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants and nutrients that help stimulate your nervous system and get rid of free radicals, which cause DNA damage. Moreover, the descent amount of caffeine found in green tea can also help alleviate a headache.

In fact, the caffeine helps your body to absorb other medications efficiently and rapidly. To achieve the quickest results, simply brew some green tea, add a bit of lemon juice or honey, and drink it warm.

4. Turmeric is Great for Treating a Migraine

Turmeric is Great for Treating a Migraine© Verge Campus

Turmeric includes a chemical compound called curcumin, which is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. According to studies, curcumin has the ability to reduce COX-2, an inflammatory enzyme. You can ease a headache caused by a viral infection using turmeric. Mix turmeric with hot water and inhale the steam.

This can soothe inflammation of the nasal cavities and relief your headache.

5. Honey and Lemon Juice

Honey and Lemon Juice© pixabay

Several headaches are caused by low blood sugar levels, which lead to low blood pressure. Honey can relieve a headache by increasing low blood glucose levels. So one of the greatest herbal remedies for this type of a headache is a tablespoon of honey mixed with a ¼ teaspoon of lemon juice. In fact, once you eat honey, it starts to raise your blood glucose because it’s digested by the body within 10 to 15 minutes.

Moreover, it’s interesting to know that dark honey contains more antioxidants than light honey, which makes the dark variety a better treatment option.

6. Peanut Butter and Grated Ginger

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Peanut Butter© Well-Being Secrets // WatchFit

Expert therapists suggest applying a mixture of grated ginger and peanut butter to your temples to relieve a headache. Here’s how it will work in your body: Peanut butter contains arginine and magnesium, which help your blood vessels to release pressure once they’re absorbed by your body.


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