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8 Terrible Things that Happen when You Sleep Too Much

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reports that both long and short sleeping times can strongly predict some mild chronic symptoms of depression and anxiety. People with anxiety symptoms are not included in this study.

Experts say more research is needed to determine whether treating these sleeping patterns can result in more favorable outcomes.


#5 – Your Brain Impairs


Your Brain Impairs New Scientist

Can’t stay concentrated? Blame the time you spend between the sheets. Sleeping too much can cause your brain to age faster, as it interferes with your brain power. Too much sleep can also be a sign of circadian disruptions or some health issues, which can lead to changes at the level of the brain structure and a weakness of the cognitive function.

According to a study published in 2011 in Sleep, sleeping longer or less than eight hours is an important factor that was linked to memory impairment. The study also reported that the latter factor can explain why the risk of cognitive impairment is higher in older people.

The Journal of The Alzheimer Association published a study in 2016, in which the sleep times of an older woman predict that she might suffer in the future from cognitive impairments, including dementia.

#6 – You’re more likely to Die Early

You’re more likely to Die Early The University of Sydney

Scary, but very true and research has proved it. In this case, if you are among those who sleep too much, then you are more likely to die prematurely.

In 2010, researchers have reviewed 16 different studies, and they have all agreed that both short and long sleepers are at risk of dying early. This review also reported that the people who sleep more than 8 hours are 1.3 times more likely to expire at a young age.

No one knows exactly why, but researchers said that higher mortality risks might be linked to the fact that too much sleep actually leads to serious health issues, which in return can easily and prematurely put an end to your life, such as diabetes, heart disease, depression, and obesity.


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