
7 Horrible Effects Of Sleeping On A Bad Mattress

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Moreover, your body releases a few hormones that can regulate stress when you are sleeping, and without that, your stress level will build up and cause you a lot of issues in your both physical and mental health, but most specifically, your blood pressure that will be highly impacted!

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#6 – Weight

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6. Weight© Pulse Ghana

Have you been gaining weight unexplainably?

No, it is not the diet you are following or the gym exercises that are not working, it is just you are not getting enough sleep. In case you didn’t know, you are burning calories when you are sleeping, but not to the point you are losing heavy pounds. Allow us to explain:

What happens is lack of sleep leads your metabolism to slow down, which makes it hard for the body to burn the fats or anything that was consumed during the day.

Plus, your hunger levels will be greatly affected because of Leptin and Ghrelin; these two hormones are responsible for regulating your appetite. One of them makes you feel hungry and the other makes you feel full, so when you are not sleeping enough, you will feel extreme hunger and you will never feel full enough!

All of these things will lead you to gain weight in a very unexpected and unexplained way!

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#7 – Depression

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7. Depression© SleepHelp

Lastly, one of the worst things poor sleep can lead to is having a negative effect on your mental state, and that’s in case your bad mattress is causing you insomnia, which is very common if you have back pain.

Everything we have discussed in this article can lead to depression, which it can turn around itself and cause more lack of sleep, therefore, more health issues – It is an endless circle.

If your bad mattress is related to your back pain, then you have to go to the mattress store (even if there isn’t mattress sale) as soon as possible and purchase a special mattress for back pain.


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