
7 Horrible Effects Of Sleeping On A Bad Mattress

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

According to a study, two groups of people were assigned to do the same task. They did it the first time, and then only half of them were allowed to sleep before doing it again.

Those who slept were capable to perform a lot better than the other group, which shows how their brains retained the information better.

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#3 – Awareness

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3. Awareness© Paula Davis-Laack

If you find yourself less aware of your surroundings day after day, then you should probably blame your bad mattress.

When you are not getting enough sleep, then your mind will be feeling cloudy. It will be hard for you to multitask and to concentrate.

According to a few studies, your cognitive abilities depend on how well you slept during the night, and in order to achieve that, you need to have a comfortable, healthy mattress that will help you have good dreams and a good-quality slumber.

Next time you don’t do well at work, just explain to your boss how your queen size mattress wasn’t helping you to rest well and that you need a few days off to look for a good mattress store (a win-win situation!).

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#4 – Creativity

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4. Creativity© JenningsWire

The thing that makes you unique is your ability to think outside the box differently than anyone else, and that becomes a hard task when you are not sleeping enough.

Your ability to solve problems will decrease and any task that requires improvisation will have you at a disadvantage.

According to research, lack of sleep may not have a great impact on something with set answers or multiple-choice exam, but it does impact your ability to come up with creative solutions or original thoughts.

What if your job or studies rely on being creative and having original ideas? Will you keep blaming the mattress all the time?

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#5 – Blood pressure

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5. Blood pressure© Mental Floss

The REM stages of sleep play a role in reducing our blood pressure, working on getting it down to its normal levels. When the sleep cycles are interrupted, your body will not be able to reduce the blood pressure properly, which can lead to many heart issues down the line.


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