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Secrets To A Flat Stomach And A Ripped Six Pack

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Do not simply concentrate on your abs. You need to focus on your whole body. Of course you need to work on your abdominals but, you do not have to kill them. Too many people work on their stomach exercises and waste so much time on them. You have to concentrate more on burning fat. Abs exercises do not concentrate on burning fat. They are aimed at tightening the muscles. OK spend a little time on them but more importantly ‘Open The Curtains’, lose the fat. Get them out on show.

You cannot ‘Spot Burn’ fat. You will lose fat from all parts of your body. No matter whet exercises or diet you are on the fat loss will be from all over your body. You really have to understand this otherwise you will end up going around in circles and eventually giving up.

You need a full body exercising program that maximises both your metabolic rate and your hormonal response.

The secret method, is to concentrate on your whole body and not one area, even if it is your abs that you are trying to rip!

Another secret is that you do not need to do cardiovascular exercises like every abdomen building plan seems to include. Anything from 30 to 60 minutes of cardio 3 and 4 days per week is advised. Rubbish, in fact you do not need to do any. You need to concentrate on getting as lean as possible and speed up your metabolic rate whilst burning the fat. Steady-pace cardio is not as effective at strengthening the heart as many people believe that it is. Your heart needs to be trained at handling a wide different amount of varying stresses that everyday life throws at it and you also need to lose that body fat that you have been storing for far too long. Cardio just does not cut it.

You need a weight lifting program. Once you have the right one 30 minutes per day is enough, in fact 30 minutes is more than enough! You should lift a weight that you can barely lift 10 times. Do 3 sets of 10 as quickly as you can. Only a short relax between each set of 10. The rest of your weight lifting should be carried out in the same way. Maximum weight, Exercise all of the main muscle areas and that is it.


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