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Secrets To A Flat Stomach And A Ripped Six Pack

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

If you want to slim that tummy down and lose those ‘Love Handles’. You are going to have to do the proper physical exercises. This is crucial, you need to target all of the muscles surrounding your core region. Burn the fat and get that toned look that you are after.

You need a workout plan that will get you the results that you desire. I have outlined five workout routines that you should include in your programme so that you can enjoy a lot of improvements quicker.

If you are not sure of the exercises below simply search online for videos that will further illustrate exactly what I am describing below or ask a trainer at your local gymnasium.

You should do three sets of ten, of each exercise.

These exercises should be added to your fitness workout and are not enough on their own.

The Plank

This exercise will not only work your abs but will also work all of the muscle groups lining your back as well.

Place the front of the arms on the floor holding your body up off the floor and stretch your legs out behind you, balancing on your toes. Hold for as long as possible and then repeat.





Accordion Crunch

This type of sit up is very easy and straightforward. You really need to do this type of exercise as it is a great ‘Belly’ toner. For this exercise you need to lie on the floor, on your back.

Bring your upper body up off the floor as you bring your knees up to meet it. It should appear a little like an accordion as you perform this exercise. Pause at the top and then slowly lower your upper body and knees/legs until you are lying flat again. It is important to roll your upper body up off the floor so as not to put pressure on your lower spine.





The Bicycle

The bicycle exercise is another great exercise for your ‘Tummy’ that will help to firm those love handles fast. To execute this one elevate the legs to some extent above the floor while you bring one knee into the chest. At the same time as doing so, concurrently twist the body so the other side comes to meet that knee and then reverse directions for the next rep.


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