
10 Popular First Aid Techniques that are Actually Harmful

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

This common mistake causes the body temperature to rise quickly, which is bad. The first thing you should do is place the person in a warm room and cover his or her frozen body parts. Make sure the person is wearing dry clothes and well wrapped in warm blankets and don’t forget to give them a hot meal and sweet drink.

Note that hypothermia should never ever be treated with alcohol because the expanded blood vessels lead to heat loss.


#7 – Performing the same actions for people of different ages in case of cardiac arrest


Performing the same actions for people of different ages in case of cardiac arrest©

To perform an indirect heart massage for adults, you need to use both of your hands with the thumb facing the person’s legs or chin and the base of the palm pressing on the chest. For teenagers, the same actions should be performed but using the whole palm this time.

And lastly, for babies, you should use only 2 fingers to do the massage. Note that the person must be placed on a flat and solid surface.


#6 – Removing clothes and piercing the burn bubbles in case of a burn


Removing clothes and piercing the burn bubbles in case of a burn©

If someone is on fire, the best thing to do is making them lie down and extinguish the flame using nonflammable material. Then, call a doctor immediately.

If the burn seems mild and there’s no tissue damage, the skin should be rinsed with water for 20 minutes, then, apply a sterile bandage topped by ice or something cold. And finally, call a doctor. In case the skin is severely burned, offer the victim some mineral water or salt.


#5 -Trying to use the Heimlich maneuver while saving an unconscious person in case of airway obstruction


Trying to use the Heimlich maneuver while saving an unconscious person in case of airway obstruction©

To help someone who’s fainted or choked, the right technique is to lay them down on the back and gently sit on their hips, press down with your hands on the costal arch, and then, if something is stuck in their mouth, put the person on one side and take the object out.


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