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Biceps Workout #1: The 4 Best Biceps Exercises For Size!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Here is your guideof the top five biceps workout tips and training routine we have used with bodybuilders and athletes to help them build their biceps.

Workout Summary


Build Muscle



Barbell, Cable, Dumbbell
Male, Female

Workout Description

Here is your guideof the top five biceps workout tips and training routine we have used with bodybuilders and athletes to help them build their biceps. In bodybuilding everyone wants massive biceps, as they are a most impressive part to develop, and given their high vision, indicate strength and power perhaps like no other body muscle. When somebody asks you, “Flex your muscle” they don’t want to see your quads. It’s the biceps that are wanted to see.

Workout Routine

The 4 Best Biceps Exercises For Size!
Barbell Curl
4 Set of “10,12” Reps, Rest 1min.

Cable Scott Curl
4 Set of “10,12” Reps, Rest 1min.

Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curl,
4 Set of “8,10” Reps, Rest 1min.

Concentration Curls
4 Set of “12,15” Reps, Rest 1min.

Exercise 1: Barbell Curl

Barbell Curl

4 Sets | 10-12 Reps | 1min break

Stand up and keep your torso upright while holding a barbell at a shoulder-with grip. and make sure that your elbows close to the torso , and then move the forearms and lift up the barbell into your chest then slowly bring back the barbell to the start position

Exercise 2: Cable Scott Curl

Cable Scott Curl

4 Sets | 10-12 Reps | 1min break

Sit at the preacher bench and put your elbow on top of the bench. lift up the weight up towards your shoulders and then slowly lower the weight to the initial position.

Exercise 3: Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curl

Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curl

4 Sets | 8-10 Reps | 1min break

Sit at the bench and keep your elbows close to the torso . by moving the forearms lift up the right weight into your shoulders and rotate the the hand so that the palm is facing up , then slowly bring back your forearms to the initial position


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