
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Pillowcase Once A Week

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The worst part is these stains will lead to acne and unhealthy skin, so wash your pillowcase and never forget to wash your face.

#6 – You will get dust mites

6. You will get dust mites© Pinterest

Yes, it is the grossest thing ever. But what do you expect from a pillowcase that has been carrying thousands of your dead skin for days and was never cleaned once?

Obviously, you don’t want that to happen to you, but if you neglected your bedding sheets hygiene, you will one day end up dealing with them and they are not even easy to deal with. So as you can see, changing the sheets weekly is a necessity!

#7 – We become mentally slow/ sleeping less

7. We become mentally slow sleeping less© Indiatimes

This may not gross you out, but it will change your life. We are already aware of the importance of sleeping and how much we need it to carry on in our daily tasks. Plus, it will suddenly start affecting your physical and psyche body.

According to many experts, when we lie down in a messy room or when our budding are smelly, dirty and cluttered, then we sleep a lot less than usual, we become depressed and mentally low.

#8 – You are sleeping with poop

8. You are sleeping with poop© allergyclean

Sorry to disgust you, but that’s the truth. According to the director of clinical microbiology and immunology at the Langone Medical Center at New York University, Philip Tierno, JR, Ph.D., E. coli virus can be carried into our bedding sheets from our fecal matter, along with many other substances that we swear into the pillowcases.

All of that may lead to asthma and many other allergies, which are enough reasons to wash the sheets. So stop being lazy, and clean them already!

#9 – You are breathing in dandruff

9. You are breathing in dandruff© Sheet Market

It is normal for our hair to leave oil, dry flakes, and dandruff. In fact, our pillowcases are the home to all of these substances, and since we put out faces on it, we would be breathing them all, rubbing our faces against it, and maybe even lick it. Plus, our facial skin will be picking it up and dealing with bad breakouts and acne.


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