
The 10 Cancer Causing Drinks You Need To Avoid From Now On!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#6 – Diet soda

6. diet soda© NPR

When you choose to drink diet soda, you are only confident about the non-existence of sugar. But, are you aware that it is filled with a sugar substitute like saccharin, sucralose, or aspartame?

They didn’t lie to you, there is actually no “real” sugar in those drinks. But there are many fake sugars that can ruin the metabolic processes of your body and cause fat to be restored, eventually leading to heart diseases and diabetes.

Plus, they have discovered a strong connection between those drinks and cancers of the urinary tract and bladder.

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#7 – Very warm drinks

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7. Very warm drinks© Mhs2go

You probably never thought of this one, neither did we! But the IARC, the cancer agency of the World Health Organization discovered that drinking very hot drinks can cause throat cancer.

We can’t just stop drinking hot drinks once and for all, especially that most people wouldn’t enjoy their tea or hot chocolate if it is not hot enough.

In order to satisfy yourself as well as protecting your health, make sure your drink is 149°F at least. But it is best to wait for it to get a little colder, just a little, in order to be completely safe.

#8 – Fancy coffee drinks

8. Fancy coffee drinks© Pexels

In general, coffee is nutrient-rich, an antioxidant, and offers a few preventions against cancer. But sadly, there are many coffee-based beverages that are more cream and sugar than the actual good coffee. They make it fancy by adding caramel, chocolate, syrup, or whipped cream, which undoes all the advantages.

Regular consumption of these drinks can lead to diabetes and obesity, which is the path your body will be taking to developing cancer cells. Just be careful with your order because looking fancy will not be helpful when you are sick.

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#9 – Juice drinks

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9. Juice drinks© The Slimming Clinic

For years, juicing was thought to be healthy because it can deliver some important minerals and vitamins. But the thing is most of the critical nutrition in the fruits and vegetables are located in the skin and fiber.


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