
10 Most Deliciously Dangerous Foods You Must Avoid

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

It seems obvious to know the foods that are healthy from the ones that are not. While you actually neglect that so many of your favorite foods, or foods that you consume on a daily basis, have extremely dangerous contents.


Today, we provide you with a list of top 10 delicious yet very dangerous foods that you must absolutely avoid. Check them out:

Note: Trans-unsaturated fatty acids or Trans fats are a kind of unsaturated fat that became largely produced industrially from vegetable fats to use in various foods. It has been shown to consistently be linked, in an intake-dependent way, to increased risk of coronary heart disease, which is a leading cause of death in Western nations.

10. Packaged Cookies


No one can resist yummy cookies. But did you know that packaged cookies do contain trans-fat, even if the box says it doesn’t?Check the ingredients to see that they consist of white flour, artificial flavors and colors, and tons of sugars and preservatives.

If you notice that they contain partially hydrogenated cooking oil, just put them back.Look for cookies that use high-oleic oils, or you can always bake some at home and avoid all the artificial nonsense.

9. Frozen Pizza


Everything about commercial pizza consists of salt, including cheese and dough, and if it contains processed meats like pepperoni o sausage, then you get big load of nitrates along with the salt intake. Pizza is also high in fat and many of its sauces contain corn oil, palm oil, and sugar.

Many people eat at least 3 slices of pizza, ignoring that only one slice has approximately 30 grams of fat, which is as much as 400 to 500 calories.Make your own pizza at home, using low-fat cheese and healthy toppings.

8. Sodas


Sodas are dangerously unhealthy, no matter if it’s regular or diet. Yet, Americans still drink about 56 gallons of soda per year on average. Most sodas contain high fructose corn syrup as a sweetener, as well as phosphoric acid, which prevents your body from absorbing calcium.


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