
5 Best Foods to Help Remove Dangerous Belly Fat

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

More than 70% of adults are overweight and about 40% are considered obese, and too many of us are carrying that excess weight around the middle. But did you know that belly fat is worse than the fat around your hips or thighs ? Because it increases inflammation and confuses hormone production

resulting in promoting the risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. Trimming only 1 inch of belly fat can provide you with a big health boost. Exercising can obviously help get rid of belly fat, but you can also do it through adding certain foods to your diet.


Here are 5 best foods to help you get rid of all
that dangerous belly fat


1. Salmon


Salmon contains big loads of protein, which can help you feel full and so you eat less during the day.This popular seafood is also a rich source of vitamin D, which can help reduce belly fat due to its role in hormones production that signal belly fat cells to burn off and regulate appetite.

2. Greek yogurt


Low-fat Greek yogurt consists of twice as much protein as regular yogurt, which can control appetite and keep you feeling full, resulting in less belly fat. Yogurt is also high in calcium, which is linked to reducing levels of abdominal fat, experts believe it may as well help fasten fat burn and lower fat absorption.

According to a study in Nutrition and Metabolism, the probiotics in yogurt are the beneficial bacteria that assist your digestive system and may improve a healthy weight. It is recommended to add some chopped fruits to Greek yogurt, use it instead of sour cream or try it as a mayo alternative in salads.

3. Artichokes


While yogurt contains probiotics, artichokes are actually prebiotics, which means that they feed the probiotics to enable them to work properly.The fusion of prebiotics and probiotics initiate a gut loaded with good bacteria


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