
10 Scary Thyroid Signs You Need to Watch Out For

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

A whopping 25 million Americans are estimated to have a thyroid problem, what’s worse, half of them don’t even know that they do.

The thyroid is actually the master gland of metabolism. It is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the center the neck, responsible for producing important hormones for metabolism as well as brain activity.

In fact, your thyroid’s functioning is deeply connected with each and every system in your body, meaning that if your thyroid is not running properly, neither are you.

Although signs of a thyroid problem are often vague, endocrinologists urge people to check their hormone levels when they notice one (or more) of these symptoms persisting.

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Here are 10 silent thyroid signs to watch out for

#1 – Sleep Changes

Sleep Changes

If you suddenly find it hard to shut your eyes directly to Zzz land (and stay there until morning,) a thyroid problem might be to blame.

The endocrinologist Hossein Gharib explains that an overactive thyroid produces an unhealthy amount of hormones, notably triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4,) which may excessively stimulate the central nervous system, resulting in insomnia.

However, if 8 to 10 hours of sleep are no longer enough, you might be having an underactive thyroid, which means your body isn’t able to produce enough hormones.

#2 – Sudden Anxiety

Sudden Anxiety

If you’re experiencing anxiety for the first time out of nowhere and on a regular basis, you might be having a hyperactive thyroid. An excess of thyroid hormones often leads a person to feel anxious or nervous without any obvious reason.

Ashita Gupta, an endocrinologist at Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital in NY, clarifies that in this case there’s extra brain stimulation, which agitates the person to the point that they no longer feel good about it.

#3 – Changes in Bowel Habits

Changes in Bowel Habits

If you’ve been suffering from frequent constipation, an underactive thyroid could be the culprit. Dr. Gupta states that thyroid hormones are also responsible for maintaining a healthy digestive tract. When your body starts producing fewer hormones, things eventually slow down.


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