
10 Reasons Alcohol is the Most Dangerous of All Drugs

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Recreational drugs happen to be even safer, as the risk of death from both magic mushrooms and LSD is nonexistent while that from ecstasy is barely equivalent to death from riding a horse. It would be foolish to get someone to completely quit drinking, but it’s even harder as many of the safer alternatives are illegal.

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3- The Alternatives Would Be Safer if Taken on a Larger Scale

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One leading obstacle to comparing other drugs with alcohol is that this beverage is both largely available and legal, unlike most other drugs. This means that there are more drinkers than users of any other kind of drugs.

Some people would argue that we’d see as much expensive health problems as if everybody was smoking cannabis all the time, but that may not be true.

Actually, the World Health Organization conducted a study in 1995 into public health and drugs, and it was shown that even if we all started using marijuana as we use tobacco or alcohol, the impact on public health would be significantly lower.

Of course, there are serious health issues related to cannabis consumption, particularly among teenagers. The point is that the overall effect would still be decreased even though most legal systems consider alcohol as the safest.

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2- Alcohol and Child Abuse

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It’s a shameful fact that there are some parents who do nothing but make their children’s lives miserable, whether through neglect or violent sexual acts. Add alcohol into this mix and you get a hellish nightmare.

As reported by studies, kids who have one or both alcoholic parents are from 2 to 13 times more likely to go through a terrible situation at home.

These awful situations, called adverse childhood experiences, are significantly increased with alcoholism. For instance, in cases where both parents were alcoholics, their kids were 13 times to grow up seeing their mother being battered.

Other studies have associated alcoholism to deep suffering in families. Obviously, not just alcoholism, also having a parent who’s addicted to gambling, heroin, or crack, can lead to similar results and ruin families. But these activities are widely illegal or at least sensibly restricted while consumption of alcohol is actively encouraged within the Western culture.


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