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The Basics of Cardio Training

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

If you don’t want to spend that much money, there are some much cheaper alternatives. Two awesome in home cardio workouts include step aerobics and jumping rope. We love these activities for a few reasons.

Many people perform step aerobics by following along with a DVD with an screen instructor, this is great because watching other people doing the same exercises as you can motivate you to keep going when you get tired. In addition, you only really need a dvd and an aerobic step, both of which of quite inexpensive.

Jumping rope is one of the most fun cardiovascular workouts you can do on your own, in your house or outside. Although a bit tough to master, it is THE most effective cardio exercise you can do. If you think this isn’t true, try doing it for even 3 minutes straight! You can burn up to 1,000 calories an hour compare that to running or swimming which are around 600. It is quite challenging and takes patience, but once you get in rhythm it is very fun.

We have already touched on the answer to our final question, and that is…

What is the best equipment for cardio workouts?

As we have previously discussed, you don’t NEED any special equipment to get into cardiovascular shape. But seeing as how this website is about being an exercise equipment fanatic, we would be remiss to not mention some of the top cardio products.

Again, we think the best products to buy are the ones that you will actually use often. So whether you want to spend a few hundred dollars on a serious piece of equipment for your home gym ,such as a treadmill or elliptical, or are just looking for something simple and easy like a jump rope, aerobics DVD, or a kettlebell, there are tons and tons of products available in the market.

In summary, you should aim to get into the habit of cardio training at least 3 times a week. You’ll have more energy, feel better, and be more healthy, and who doesn’t want these things? We invite you to thoroughly explore your options when it comes to cardio training equipment so that you make wise buying decisions, ones that best meets your fitness needs.  Remember, cardio training can be fun done at home or in the gym  and provides so many health benefits that it is well worth your time.


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