Last Updated on January 7, 2021
Whether your goals are aesthetically driven or strength focused, give these pointers a try for powerful arms.
Bigger, stronger arms not only look great, but they also play a critical role in getting stronger in your main lifts. Biceps are frequently referred to as beach muscles because it’s common to see bros at the gym skipping leg day once spring hits, focusing primarily on curls. However, there comes a point in your training program where you have an opportunity to work on assister muscle groups that will ultimately help push those deadlift and bench PRs. Now’s that time.
Add Pullups Or Chinups TO Every Workout
Yes, I said every workout. I’ve heard Brando Lilly, a super human powerlifter say he’s never met a guy with a big back that was weak. Follow me here. Building a strong back requires you to have strong arms. If your arms give out before you can finish a set of pullups or rows, then you’ll never develop that power. By adding vertical pulling to all of your workouts, you build muscle and strength. I suggest doing a mix of chinups (palms facing you) and pullups (palms away from you). Integrate your pulling towards the end of your workout, after all of your other multi-joint lifts, but before arm-specific work. Vary between lower volume with added weight and higher rep sets with just body weight.
Deadlift Heavy At Least Once A Week
If you can olympic lift with proper form then you can do that too, or simply alternate these lifts from week to week. Either way, you need to pull hard from the floor during at least one training session a week. My two main reasons for this are grip and tension. When you deadlift intensely, you are forced to grip the bar with everything you have. Few exercises require this kind of activation out of your forearm. It sends signals to your body that will awaken your inner Popeye without the necessity of spinach.
Let’s not forget tension. Strong people are really great at creating tension throughout their body. After a heavy deadlift I can feel my pecs come close to spasm. This means that although you may feel your deadlifting in your legs or your core, remember, your arms are holding the weight. The tension that builds in your arms to simply stabilize that weight is incredible and will lead to your arms experiencing gains.