Last Updated on January 7, 2021
Hit your abs from every angle with these 10 core-carving cable exercises.
A cable machine unleashes a wide variety of core exercises because of the adjustable height and the ability to work from all angles. We’re not talking about the beloved kneeling cable crunch. Rather, these 10 standing, kneeling, twisting, and bending core exercises place your body in every plane of motion to target your obliques and lower abs. Build core strength with these 10 ab-carving cable exercises.
Set a cable-pulldown bar to the highest setting or use a lat-pulldown machine. Stand facing the cable and grab the bar with your arms fully extended. Keep your arms locked and pull the bar to your hips without rounding forward. Repeat.
Anthony says: This exercise blasts your core while targeting your arms and lats.
Get on both knees and set a cable handle to chest height. While facing perpendicular to the cable, bring the handle to your chest. Brace your core, squeeze your glutes, and keep your shoulders and hips directly over your knees. Push the handle straight forward and hold for three seconds. Bring it back to your chest and repeat for desired amount of reps. Switch sides and repeat.
Anthony says: This move forces the core to brace against twisting and turning, which strengthens your abs and keeps your lower back safe.
On a cable-crossover machine, set the cable handles to chest height, grab both handles and stand so you’re facing one weight stack and your back is facing the other stack. The front arm should be extended forward and the back hand at your side. Simultaneously punch forward with the back hand and pull front hand to side. Keep your shoulders and torso still.
Anthony says: Your spine stays neutral throughout while your abs and obliques work hard to stabilize your body and move your arms
Set the cable machine to chest-height. Grab the D-handle with both hands, arms extended, and stand in a split-stance perpendicular to the machine. Turn your shoulders and hips at the same time, while keeping your arms straight throughout. Pivot your feet and twist your hips as your move the cable to the side.