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9 Fake Healthy Foods that You Need to Avoid

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Candied fruits are even more harmful due to the immense amount of sugar added to them.

You may consider trying to dry your fruits at home, it’s both easy and healthy.

5. Processed Cheese

Processed Cheese©

Processed cheese doesn’t only contain plenty of additives but also a huge amount of sodium.

For instance, if you eat a sandwich including three slices of processed cheese, you’ll get 2/3 of your daily requirement for this component.

Try to replace processed cheese with one of the various types of quality cheese, such as salted cottage cheese.

6. Canned Fruits and Vegetables

Canned Fruits and Vegetables©

Canned vegetables include many additives such as vinegar, barbecue sauce, and other things that are far from being healthy.

Nutrition experts claim that a can of beans, for example, consists of almost 3 tablespoons of sugar!

You should opt for quality vegetables that are freshly canned and that don’t have any preservatives, sugar, or salt. Or even better, you can make your own at home.

7. Starchy Vegetables

Starchy Vegetables©

Foods like yams, pumpkins, potatoes, pears, and corn contain fewer minerals, vitamins, and fiber, than other fruits and veggies, however, their calorie-content is much higher.

This simply means that you should consume these veggies, just don’t eat too much of them, especially if you’re following a certain diet.

You can replace these stuffy veggies by green, juicy, all crispy vegetables.

8. Yogurt

Yogurt high sugar©

Yogurts you find at the stores are known to have little protein and plenty of sugar.

Moreover, the feature of no-chewing-is-needed creates the impression that you’re eating something really light.

It’s recommended to select yogurts that have low sugar content, under 10 g per portion, and high protein content, around 6 g per portion. It can be even better to purchase Greek yogurt and then add fresh fruits yourself.


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