
This Is Why You Have To Go Organic!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Of course, you are aware that the majority of foods you are consuming are basically filled with pesticides, which is the chemical we use to kill small bugs and control pets. When you think about it, you are also eating the same poison that kills many creatures. Yes, they may not kill you right away but they cause horrible side effects to your body and scary diseases that eventually lead to your death, too!

Also, pesticide harms our planet because traditional large-scale farming is completely devastating and unhealthy to the environment. Let’s not also forget how it poisons the air we breathe and our poor pets that happen to be around the area!

So yeah, If we are meant to tackle everything pesticide harms, then we could go on and on for weeks.

This is why we decide to talk briefly about why organic life is the path we need to follow now, especially that organic farming works in harmony with nature; which is necessary with the increase of global warming!

Oh, if you want a selfish reason to go organic, then you should know that food tastes better that way…

#1 – The chemicals are toxic

In the United States, there are more than 600 active chemicals that are fully registered for agricultural use; several of them have been banned in Europe due to their great danger.

The Environmental Protection Agency approved many of those chemical poisons before doing sufficient testing. In fact, more than 90% of approved chemicals were not tested for long-term health effects.

If we do the math, our brains will not be able to fully realize how much pesticide ends up within our bodies. The FDA tests only 1% of the foods we consume for chemical residue, so don’t really trust everything you eat anymore!

#2 – The most pesticides exist where you least expect them

We mostly think that pesticides are sprayed over the vegetables and fruits that we eat, so logically, that’s where we get the majority of pesticides. Wrong! We actually consume more pesticides from fish, meat, eggs, and dairy! Allow us to explain:

The farmed animals are fed a diet that contains pesticide-laden grain, fish meal, animal parts, and by-products. So up till they end up in your plate, the toxins concentrate and accumulate in the fatty tissue of these animals, and the process continues within your body…

#3 – Dairy products and meat are full of hormones and antibiotics

Of course, traditional farmers need to make money, but since we can’t put profit on the same hand with manners, their common practice of feeding growth hormones and antibiotics to animals is extremely dangerous to consumers.

Also, we understand that one virus can wipe out an entire herd, which is a great loss for the farmer. But giving antibiotics to the animals ‘just in case’ means millions of people are also taking these exact antibiotics when they eat the meat.

Eventually, these antibiotics will not be effective in the face of evolved viruses and that’s when the big issues begin! No matter how careful you are, by eating meat you are also taking antibiotics on a daily basis, and the bad news is even science can’t compensate fast enough!

Growth hormones, however, can also lead consumers to experience early onset of tumors, puberty, increased cancer risk, and genetic problems.

#4 – Polluted soil and water

16 pounds of pesticide per person on average means that 0.1% of it only reaches the target pests, so where do you think the rest goes? The rest of that massive overspray contaminates the nearby water and soil.

In the case of water, the chemicals travel hundreds of miles and sicken the wildlife and people residing along the entire path. Not only that leads to genetic mutations many generations forward, but it ruins the role that nature does in our agricultural wellness.

Take the bees as an example, the amount of loss those creatures experience is frightening!

#5 – The food supply is losing diversity

In case you haven’t heard, our agricultural crops lost approximately 75% of the genetic diversity in the last century.

This is an issue because the diversity elevates our food security, and when one crop grows and harvested, the soil has used up all the nutrients the plants prefer.

With organic farming, the soil quality will be protected while our ability to grow different crops will be preserved, and therefore, slowing the loss. Plus, the plants are more likely to survive with better variety!

#6 – The effects of GMO food

The foods that are genetically modified are dominating the food supply, and since they don’t need to be labeled in the market of the U.S., we will not be able to understand the extent of it.

However, the idea behind GMOs is good because the product it selects is sturdier, easier to produce, and more resistant to pests. But we never took enough time to examine GMO food’s long-term effects before loading the market with it.

In other words, we have no idea if trying to improve Mother Nature that way is safe or not, but by eating organic, you know for sure you are not harming yourself and definitely avoiding GMO foods.

#7 – Organic contains more nutrients

At last, here is a question for you: Besides enjoying the taste, why do we really eat food?

The logical, most standard answer is to not die and to grow stronger. But how can we avoid death and trying to be stronger if all we eat is poison and harmful chemicals?

In order to build a stronger body and live longer, the foods we eat need to have more nutrients and that’s the main point of organic farming. The foods that grew organically are never stripped of their vital nutrients that your physical body needs and craves.

According to hundreds of studies, organic foods provide 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 13.6% more phosphorus, and 29.3% more magnesium than other foods.

Yes, you may make extra effort to ensure your entire family has the recommended amount of food, but by going organic, you will not fall short of proper nutrition.

Plus, you will also be helping the environment, protecting this planet for the next generations, and saving the lives of many animals!


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