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What’s Your Body Type: Ectomorph – Mesomorph – Endomorph

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

One of the fat burning secrets that not many people realise is the existence of different body types and how this affects whether you will effectively burn that fat depending on what you eat and the exercises that you do.

There are 3 body types.  The ectomorph, the mesomorph and then endomorph types.

1- The Ectomorph


An ectomorph is a person who is naturally skinny.  They are usually long and lanky and have trouble actually keeping weight on.  They usually have a very high metabolism and can eat a lot of calories and not gain weight at all.  They have small joints, small muscles and light bones.  Ectomorphs find it hard to gain muscle.  An ectomorph also has trouble gaining muscle.  A real life example of an ectomorph body type is Kate Moss.

2-The Mesomorph


A mesomorph body type is hard bodied with large joints, big muscles and strong bones.  This is a typically athletic body type.  They can gain muscle easily and they can also gain fat more easily than an ectomorph.  If they do gain fat then they can with not too much work, lose this.  A real life example of an mesomorph body is Bruce Willis.

3- The Endomorph


An endomorph body is rounded and soft.  Endomorphs usually don’t have very developed muscles.  This body type gains fat very easily and finds it hard to lose it.  Endomorphs can gain muscle easily just like the mesomorph.  Keeping fat off is the hardest thing for an endomorph.  A real life example of an endomorph is Jack Black.

Normally people will not be purely one body type.  People will often have traits of more than one.  For example they may be largely mesomorph, but then have the trait of an endomorph where they gain fat easily.

As you can see, knowing your body type is very important.  Imagine an endomorph body type eating a lot of junk food.  They would put on weight easily and have trouble getting it off.  Where as if an ectomorph did this then they would probably not put on any weight.

Being aware of your body type helps you to determine the correct nutrtion and exercise that will suit you.  If you not aware of your body type then you may end up doing a lot of work for nothing, because your body is not suited to the diet you are on!


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