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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Pre-Workout Plan: A good combo of easy-digesting proteins and slow burning carbs would be a 6-ounce chicken breast with a sweet potato and some avocado on the side, or an oatmeal mixture with almond butter and whey protein. Shoot for 20-40 grams of protein and 40-80 grams of carbs.

workout shake


This is the part of the workout nutrition that many people do not take advantage of. Since insulin is the body’s most anabolic hormone, you need to release it in greater amounts as you start to train. To raise insulin, you need to take in more carbs. One reason people don’t consume nutrients during their workouts is because the thought of eating chicken and rice during a workout just sounds like trouble. So the best thing to do is to take in some liquid form of carbs.

My favorite types are highly-branched cyclic dextrin and Vitargo. These are fast-digesting and easy on the stomach as you train and provide a sustained release of insulin. Depending on your goals and bodyweight, use 40-70 grams of carbohydrates and sip throughout the workout.

On the protein front, my favorite thing to do is add 10 grams of branched chain amino acids to the mixture. These are pre-digested amino acids that get into the bloodstream quicker than most protein powders to help you get a head start on protein synthesis

>> Intra-Workout Plan: Mix up 40-70 grams of Vitargo or highly-branched cyclic dextrin with 10 grams of BCAA and begin to drink the shake right before your workout. Drink about 1/5 of the mixture and then sip it during your workout for a front load and then steady stream of nutrients.


If you have gotten your pre- and intra-workout nutrition in, you have already upgraded your nutrition plan. But there is still more room for improvement and muscle growth. If you just had a hard workout, it is tough to get in food right away. So, immediately after a workout, consume at least 20 grams of whey protein with water and a small piece of fruit to hold you off until you get home to have a large meal with carbs and protein. If you feel like you can wait until you get home, or need to cut calories to lose fat, I think that it is fine to wait an hour until your next meal.


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