
Bodybuilding Categories – What Are They?

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

For very obvious reasons, females compete in separate contests from males. Both natural and professional contests are available to females. One of the major ones is the Ms. Olympia which began in 1980.

4. Teenage Bodybuilding


There are also bodybuilding shows and contests for teenagers which are determined by their age bracket. Most of the teenage competitors are older teems. By far the majority of these shows provide drug testing in order to protect the teenagers. Because of their age and stage of human development, teenagers are undergoing natural hormone surges and are encouraged to allow these to help them gain muscle the natural way.

A few of the genetic marvels in the world of bodybuilding started out when they were teenagers. Now, if anyone should ask, you will know that there are four categories of bodybuilding and what they are.