
This is What Your Walking Habits Can Reveal about Your Health

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Did you know that your fast pace can prolong your life? After conducting a study on more than 30,000 people aged +65, scientists revealed that those who walk faster, live way longer.

The walking process is complicated in a fascinating way. Both our skeletal and nervous system work hard to produce a step, calculate distances, and adjust balance according to the surface.


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All of these are so automatic that we don’t even notice anything at all. Moreover, the way we walk can reveal potential lurking health problems that may require medical attention.

This is What Your Walking Habits Can Reveal about Your Health© Getty Images

Click through the next pages to reveal 7 walking quirks that could signal something seriously wrong is happening in your body


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#7 – Short steps

Short step© depositphotos

Short steps can indicate issues with hips or knees. Normally, your knee should straighten whenever you make a step forward. So if you’re experiencing difficulty to straighten your leg, it can be a sign of joint problems.

It’s recommended to consult a doctor to examine your knee and hip joints. Don’t wait for too long before visiting a doctor. Otherwise, you may experience health complications in the form of back pain due to the pressure put on your lower back.


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#6 – Limping

Limping© depositphotos

Limping can be an indicator of arthritis in the knee. An unsteady walk makes it impossible for the body to lean on one leg. This can sometimes cause a loss of balance, particularly if the knee gets “locked.” A locked knee can be extremely risky since it can “lock” unexpectedly causing the person to fall down and get hurt. If you’re having an unsteady walk, you should visit a doctor immediately.


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#5 – Stiffness in hands


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Stiffness in hands© depositphotos

Stiff hands can be caused by back problems. When you take a step with our left leg, the torso muscles on the right side serve as stabilizers making you put your right hand forward. This mechanism works for every step you make.


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