
The 10 Times When You Need To Be Washing Your Hands (But You Aren’t!)

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#2 – After getting off a plane


2. After getting off a plane© YENİ.MOBİ

Airplanes provide a small, closed space for hundreds of people, which create the perfect environment for the bacteria to live and breed. Although the airlines try their best to sanitize it, the pillows and armrests can’t be sanitized every time.

Plus, in case everything is clean and fresh, staying in the same closed space for hours with hundreds of other people who came with different types of bacteria put us at risk of catching them, as well.

Imagine if someone sneezes, for example, the air will transport the germs all around the closed space, putting everyone at risk of breathing it, touching it, and catching it. So make sure to keep yourself sanitized right after the plane lands.


#3 – After using the ATM


3. After using the ATM© CheaperPay

This is something we need on a daily basis, which means hundreds of other people use it constantly as well, especially if the ATM is located in a popular area. According to research conducted by British company BioCote, ATMS carries one of the bacteria that causes diarrhea, also, they are as dirty as public bathrooms.

So right after you get your money, wash or sanitize your hands because you really don’t want to deal with diarrhea because of an ATM.

#4 – After using public transportation


4. After using public transportation© Curbed

You could be using public transportation almost every day, but how often do you remember to wash your hands after?

It is hard not to hold to the pole next to you when the train is moving, and of course, you must touch the door handle of your Uber. So basically, you are picking plenty of germs up that could put you at risk of getting sick.

Obviously, you are not going to give up on public transportation because they are necessary in our lives, especially if you live in a big city. But just make sure to maintain your hand’s hygiene.


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