
Here Are The 7 Must-Know Signs of Eye Cataracts

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

If you have a color perception test, and the results reveal that colors were too muddy and less vibrant, then you are likely exposed to cataracts. People who undergo cataract surgery to get rid of cataracts can see colors after the surgery.

The decrease of color perception does not happen all at once though; it is a gradual process. In the beginning, things would seem more yellowish or fading.

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3. Sensitivity to glare and light

3-Sensitivity to glare and light© All About Vision

Having eyes sensitive to light is mostly interpreted by people as a minor issue that their eyes are exposed to as a result of aging. Well, this is neither the sole nor the correct explanation of sensitivity to glare and light.

In fact, the latter is one of the early signs of cataracts. If you were quite fine when looking at light and glare, and now it is not the case, then you need to get a medical consultation.

The light coming from the sun, headlights, and lamps will become unbearable. As days pass by, and cataracts become worse, your ability to see scales back off.

4. Inability to drive at night

4-Inability to drive at night© NearSay

The problem is not just in night’s darkness but also in the lights of oncoming cars. Having driving at night vision problems include the inability to strike a balance between the night’s darkness and the vehicles’ bright lights.

Patients who are diagnosed with cataracts face difficulty in driving at night glare and headlight. If you experience such symptoms and have a headache right after, then you’d better get a medical checkup.

By the way, the inability to drive at night is accompanied by an incapability to read the road signs and, therefore, end up having a car crash. Be aware of this and call a local ophthalmologist as soon as you can.

5. Difficulty in reading the fine print

5-Difficulty in reading the fine print© Iatrikossymvoulos

The list of cataract signs and symptoms goes on and on, and here we arrive at the 5th sign of cataracts which is the difficulty in reading the fine print. If you cannot clearly and easily read the fine print, the issue is more than just exhaustion.


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