
5 Scary Things Migraine Can Do To Your Body

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

A number of studies highlighted that migraine is one of the stroke risk factors. So if you experience a migraine attack with an aura, you’d better get medical assistance despite the fact that such a case is not really common.

You can keep the stroke risk low by controlling your cholesterol levels, sugar blood levels, and diabetic condition. Additionally, epilepsy and migraine are also interrelated.

If you have a migraine attack, your chances of having epileptic seizures increase as well. In fact, both migraine and epilepsy are brain reactions.

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#3 – Migraine and medication

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3-Migraine and medication© Consumer Reports

The answer to what can doctors do for migraines is that they mainly prescribe migraine medication. But the prescribed meds can mark the beginning of a new phase of suffering from additional health problems. Many doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, known in brief as NSAIDs.

If you take an overdose of these meds, you will suffer from side effects, ranging from gastrointestinal bleeding to stomach pain. Another major medication used as a migraine treatment is triptans that should not be taken on a daily basis.

An overdose of this medication can lead to dizziness and vascular complications. If the taken triptans to treat migraine interacts chemically with an antidepressant you are simultaneously taking can generate the Serotonin syndrome.

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#4 – Migraine and stomach issues

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4- Migraine and stomach issues© Princetonhcs

The long term side effects of migraines can push you to take any meds to relieve the terrible, unbearable pains. But at some point, your stomach and head pains will meet. How?

Basically, the pain relievers that you consume, chiefly ibuprofen, aspirin along with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to reduce migraine pains, trigger stomach issues. Accordingly, you will suffer from bleeding, ulcers and stomach aches.

Together with this, migrant attacks will make you nauseatic all the time. This feeling of vomiting constantly is an alarming effect of severe migraine. You should not at all costs ignore your migraine pains and stomach aches, otherwise, they will develop into worse health issues.


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