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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The Plan: This is a great hypertrophy (muscle-building) exercise that Arnold claims to be the main reason for his dramatic cannonball delts. Since the movement is complex, it should be done during the first part of your workout, and as a muscle builder and not a strength builder. A set and rep scheme of 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps works best for this exercise.


4- Standing Dumbell Overhead Press

The Emphasis: Front, middle delts, trapezius

The Breakdown: Since there is an even load on each shoulder, this exercise is a great complement to barbell overhead pressing movements. The standing dumbbell overhead press has been shown to activate more muscles in the shoulders as compared to the barbell overhead press due to your shoulder stabilizers becoming more involved in the movement. You also have the ability to change grip positions and elbow angles, making it easier to accommodate lifters that have shoulder injuries or mobility issues.

The Plan: The dumbbell overhead press is a great break from barbell presses, which are more taxing on the central nervous system. This makes it a perfect choice as a finishing shoulder exercise, or a nice break from heavier lifting. It can also be a great strength and mass builder, so its versatility is endless. Try 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps to really make your delts pop.


5- Machine Overhead Press

The Emphasis: Front delts, traps

The Breakdown: Machines have received a bad rap in the fitness world but the machine overhead press still holds tremendous value in your pursuit of bigger shoulders. By pressing overhead with a machine, you take out the variable of stabilizing the weight in the overhead position, making it the perfect option for the inexperienced lifter and lifters coming off an injury. It’s also great for lifters who train without the benefit of a spotter since you can really load up the weight without safety issues coming into play.

The Plan: One way to include this overhead pressing method is at the end of the workout to force as much blood into the muscles as possible when you are fatigued. Taking out the stabilization variable of the lift helps you keep continuous tension on the muscle, causing some great muscle growth by tapping into some muscle fibers that have not been stimulated by other shoulder movements.


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