
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Practice Fasting

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

If the recycling mechanism stops working, the damaged cells will start accumulating in the body, possibly neutralizing infected and cancer cells. All of this may lead to some serious diseases!


#2 – Importance of fasting


2. Importance of fasting© MyCarolinaLife

Dr. Ohsumi discovered that fasting can stimulate the body to break down all of the damaged and toxic cells. In order words, when you fast, your body cells will live longer and will definitely produce more energy.

Moreover, your body will have less inflammation and nitric oxide levels will increase when there aren’t enough calories consumed.

Basically, fasting helps the body cleanse itself, speed up its metabolism, weight loss, and decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes, neurological problems, blood pressure, oxidative stress, and many more. However, there are many types of fasting, so you can pick the one that suits your lifestyle more.


#3 – Types of fasting


3. Types of fasting© The Unconventional Route

• 24-hour fasting
If you think this is the best method for you, then pick one day from the week and don’t eat all day long. Or to make it easy, have breakfast on a Friday at 9 AM and don’t eat anything else until 9 AM on Saturday.

• Intermittent Fasting
This method means you will have to eat as usually do for one day, and not consume anything on the next day. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat anything on the fasting days. If you ate 2,000 calories on a normal day, then reduce your calorie intake to 500 on the fasting day.

• Limited fasting
This is a similar type to the intermittent fasting and it is also called Fasting 16/8. Basically, you are allowed to eat for 8 hours only while fasting for the remaining 16 hours, and you should do it every day. If this is new to you, here is a good scheme to follow: eat breakfast at 8 AM and then dinner at 6 PM. That means you just spent 14 hours with no food.


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