
9 Unexpected Things That Could Be Causing Your Knee Pain

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Knee pain can occur suddenly without a warning as you are playing tennis, or it can develop gradually over the years. Either way, knee pain is actually very annoying and can keep us from doing the easiest, most basic activities. It doesn’t even allow us to move fast or sit in one position for a long time.

The causes of knee pain can differ from one person to another, and most of the time, it could be a result of a sneaky disease that we may not be aware of.

If you ever experience knee pain, whether it was temporary or for an extended period of time, you should never avoid it or act as if it is nothing. Knee pain can be a sign of many other dangerous and sneaky diseases that are supposed to be left untreated.

So don’t hesitate to visit your doctor and to make sure everything is alright. We have gathered for you a few causes of knee pain that will help you understand what you are going through.



#1 – Osteoarthritis


1.Osteoarthritis© BioInformant

Known as degenerative joint disease, Osteoarthritis is arthritis’ most common form. This disease occurs when the rubbery material covering the ends of our bones, the cartilage, breaks down and wear away.

Osteoarthritis can cause a lot of morning stiffness, which means once you try to move from your bed, you will experience pain, you will not be able to get up right away, and you will be extremely stiff. However, once you start going, you will be just fine.

This form of arthritis happens mostly to people over 65, and some of the risk factors are a previous knee injury, obesity, weak and overuse thigh muscles. Also, the risk of getting it can be increased because of genetics, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

#2 – Inflammatory Arthritis

2. Inflammatory Arthritis©

According to experts, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus belong to the inflammatory arthritis family.

Anyone dealing with rheumatoid arthritis experiences painful swelling in the joint and may feel low fevers with frequent fatigue. According to the Mayo Clinic, this condition can also affect the blood vessels, the lungs, the heart, and the eyes.

Psoriatic arthritis can lead to joint damaged if left untreated because it is a chronic condition. You can tell if you have it by experiencing pain and swelling in large joints. According to the American College of Rheumatology, this condition can happen to people dealing with skin psoriasis.

In addition to swelling and pain in the joints, lupus can involve the kidneys and the tissue around the lungs and heart, which affects women 10 times more than men.


#3 – Post-traumatic Arthritis


3. Post-traumatic Arthritis© Medical News Today

After years of dealing with an injury caused by a car accident, sports game, or a fall, post-traumatic arthritis can develop, leading the person to suffer when doing casual activities. For instance, the person could suffer from a torn meniscus, which cartilage that works as a cushion of the knee joint.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, injuries like that can lead to instability and wear on the joints. It may get worse because of excess weight or repeated injury.

The reason is the biomechanics of your knee have changed since that injury, so it is normal to experience symptoms like fluid in the joint, swelling, pain and increased difficulty while doing sports, walking, stairs, and any activity that depends on the joint.

#4 – Lyme Arthritis

4. Lyme Arthritis© Medisite

Usually, the Lyme disease starts appearing as a rash around the area of a deer tick bite, which has to be treated right away. If not, you will end up dealing with the secondary stage that often comes with swelling and pain in the joint.

Basically, this disease is an infection that leads 60% of its patients to develop the same symptoms of arthritis, which means you will experience a lot of muscle pain and inflammation, and that’s why this disease is known as Lyme arthritis. It can be treated with antibiotics and DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs).

So, in case you suspected it, go to the doctor right away!


#5 – Ligament or Torn Cartilage


5. Ligament or Torn Cartilage© Fox Valley Plastic Surgery

In this category, the common types of injuries include the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and tears in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). They often happen during sports, as mentioned by the Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush.

If you are dealing with MCL, then you will feel pain whenever you put pressure on the ligament, and in case of a complete tear, the pain will be greater. Plus, you will not be able to straighten the leg.

The ACL, on the other hand, will make a popping sound and immediate pain, followed by knee instability, swelling, and difficulty walking, according to the Midwest Orthopaedics.

#6 – Tendonitis

6. Tendonitis© Rolflex

Tendonitis is inflammation of the fibrous tissue that connects the bones and muscles together, it is called tendon. Older people who dance, run or bicycle can be prone to experience it because the tendons become stiffer and weaker.

However, you don’t need to be an athlete to suffer from it. In fact, the repetitive motion when gardening, for example, can lead to tendinitis as well.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you will experience pain outside the joint, and you are most likely to feel that pain when walking quickly or running. Basically, you will need to be careful when being active.


#7 – Bursitis


7.Bursitis© twilightrun

Just like tendonitis, bursitis is an inflammation of a small, fluid-filled sac that is considered as a cushion between the bone and other moving parts, it is called bursa.

Bursitis becomes more common as we age, and it occurs when kneeling for a long time on a hard surface, for example, if you are gardening or lifting something heavy, your knees will definitely feel the pressure that will lead to pain.

In order to prevent it, you can use kneeling pads to reduce the pressure on your knees. You can try to lift things properly by bending your knees. Try to maintain a healthy weight, exercise, warm up, and stretch before any spontaneous activity.

#8 – Gout

8. Gout© rd

In some parts of our bodies (the big toe, specifically), we may experience the formation of calcium urate crystals, which is called the Gout. However, the knee is the second most common area to experience it.

The formation of those crystals is actually extremely painful because you get a bad inflammatory response. Plus, you will be living with a lot of discomforts and you will not be able to move your joints as you wish.

If you left it untreated, it will lead to more pain and joint damage. That’s why you need to seek medical care instantly. Try to drink a lot of fluids to prevent it, and also limit your alcohol intake.


#9 – SPONK/ SONK (Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the knee)


9. SPONK SONK (Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the knee)© progressivespineandsports

This one occurs when a bone’s local area starts losing its blood supply and begins to die. Basically, it leads to a softening which can lead to the collapse of the bone, and therefore, a lot of knee pain.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, sometimes SPONK or SONK is related to steroid use or high cholesterol, and women are more likely to suffer from it 3 times more than men, and most of them are above the age of 60.

In general, whenever you experience any pain in your knees, don’t sit around and wait for it to fade away. Go to the doctor and seek medical care as soon as you feel it in order to treat any sneaky disease that’s trying to get into you.



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