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10 Workout Mistakes People Make the First Time in the Gym

Last Updated on January 17, 2021

Your first workout could be your last if you commit these exercise mistakes.

Getting started is the hardest part ever, but believe it or not, the best is yet to come. We all know how it feels to hit the gym for the first time; the busy scene can be quite grim. Not sure what to do next, you decide to walk on the treadmill or try to pump some iron.

Chances are, you’ll spot someone who seems as if they know what they are doing, and you may start doing what they do. Copying may seem like an easy way to cope, but it’s not.
Actually, this way of thinking can get you injured and cause you to overwork certain body parts. You could be doing everything wrong, even if it feels so right!

With advice and guidance from three fitness experts, we could unveil the most common workout mistakes beginners make in the gym. The first step in preventing or avoiding these bad habits is to know what they are. And that’s why we’re writing this article.
But as you read through, don’t sweat it!

10 Workout Mistakes People Make the First Time in the Gym©

You’re not alone and we’re here to help you avoid these 10 common workout mistakes so you can reach your weight
goals easily and effectively


#1 – You’re Over-Enthusiastic

You’re Over-EnthusiasticReader’s Digest

What’s the dumbest mistake you can make when you get your first paycheck? Yes, spending it all! This also applies to the first time you hit the gym. You put all of your energy into one session, bringing on terrible exhaustion, which then may provide you with solid excuses for the next time you should be working out. This could even get worse and lead to injury.

According to Dr. Derek Ochiai, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine expert, when you push yourself hard and fast from the very beginning you actually increase the risk of overuse tendonitis, which can be a reason or excuse to stop working out. What you should do instead is to ease into your new activity.


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